Symposium on the Foundation Date of the Ottoman Empire / July 27, 2009

Organized in collaboration between Yalova University and Bilkent University, the “Symposium on the Foundation Date of the Ottoman Empire” established a significant platform in the fields of history and culture, bringing together numerous academicians and experts focusing on the foundation date of the Ottoman Empire.

The symposium was attended by Yalova Governor Mehmet ERSOY, Yalova University Rector Prof. Dr. M. Niyazi ERUSLU, Bilkent University Rector Prof. Dr. Ali DOĞRAMACI, Yalova Mayor Yakup B. KOÇAL, YÖK Executive Board Member Prof. Dr. Muhittin ŞİMŞEK, Prof. Dr. Halil İNALCIK, and many other university rectors and academicians.

During the opening speeches of the symposium, participants discussed significant historical events that laid the foundations of the Ottoman Empire and delved into the details of this historical process. Particularly emphasized, as highlighted by Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık, was the Ottoman Beylik gaining state status through the Bafeus (Koyunhisar) Battle that took place in Yalova in 1302.

In the evaluation session of the symposium, Yalova University Rector Prof. Dr. M. Niyazi Eruslu, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza Abay, Mardin Artuklu University Rector Serdar Bedii Omay, and Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Uludağ University Prof. Dr. Yusuf Oğuzoğlu emphasized the significance of the symposium and shared their perspectives.Following the conclusion of the symposium, a concert featuring “Selected Works from Sultan Composers” was performed at the Thermallium Wellness Park Hotel, concluding the event.