The Ottoman Empire and the Balkans Symposium/ July 27, 2012

Organized by Yalova Municipality and the Halil İnalcık Institute for Social and Economic History Research Association, the ‘Ottomans and the Balkans Symposium’ took place at the Raif Dinçkök Cultural Center. The symposium was attended by Esengül Civelek, the Governor of Yalova, Yakup B. Koçal, the Mayor of Yalova and his spouse, Prof. Dr. Recep Hayri Eren, Vice Rector of Yalova University, Prof. Dr. Fikret Yüksel, Director of Yalova Vocational School, Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, Deputy Dean and Head of the Business Department at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, protocol members of the province, academics, and invited guests. Due to health issues, Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık could not attend the event. Opening speeches were delivered by Vice Rector Prof. R.H. Eren, Mayor Y.B. Koçal, and Governor E. Civelek. Subsequently, sessions on ‘Turkish Culture in the Balkans,’ ‘Balkan Cities under Ottoman Rule,’ and ‘Islamic Influence in the Balkans’ were conducted. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Hatipoğlu, the Dean of the Faculty of Theology at Yalova University, gave a speech on ‘The Intellectual Background of Religious Reform Thought in Bulgaria.’ We extend our best wishes to Prof. H. İnalcık for a speedy recovery.