Establishment History of the Ottoman State and Yalova from the İnalcık Perspective/July 27, 2019

In Yalova, the Exhibition of Ottoman Sultans in Miniature Art and the Panel on the Foundation History of the Ottoman State from the Perspective of İnalcık, organized in collaboration with the İnalcık Ottoman History Research Institute and Yalova Special Provincial Administration, took place. The exhibition, prepared by Melek GENÇBOYACI, the Director of the National Manuscripts Library, was displayed at the Special Provincial Administration Foyer. The opening ceremony was attended by Governor Muammer EROL, Member of Parliament Meliha AKYOL, Chairman of the Provincial General Assembly Hasan SOYGÜZEL, Yalova University Rector Prof. Dr. Suat CEBECİ, Secretary General Selim KARAHAN, and other distinguished guests.

Following the opening of the Miniature Exhibition of Ottoman Sultans, the program continued in the Provincial General Assembly Meeting Hall, where Hasan SOYGÜZEL, the President of the General Assembly, delivered a thank-you and opening speech. Subsequently, speeches of appreciation were given by Member of Parliament Melahat AKYOL and Rector Suat CEBECİ. The program proceeded with a panel on the Foundation History of the Ottoman State and Yalova from the İnalcık Perspective, moderated by Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza ABAY, with the participation of Prof. Dr. Yusuf OĞUZOĞLU from Düzce University and Prof. Dr. Hatice ŞAHİN from Uludağ University. The panel provided an intriguing narrative of Yalova’s history with visual elements.

The speakers at the panel were presented with plaques, and the event concluded with a group photo.