Paper Topics

Papers on the following topics and titles related to the Ottoman and Republican Periods will be accepted. Different topics can also be proposed to the symposium, provided that it does not deviate from the main theme.

Political and Military History:

– Political History

– Military History

Social and Cultural Structure:

– Daily Life

– Language

– Religion and Belief

– Literature

– Art and Craft

– Education and Cultural History

Economic and Industrial Developments:

– Industry

– Agriculture

– Trade

– Tourism

Architecture and Urbanism:

– Architecture

– Space Design

– Urbanisation

– Urban History

Natural and Environmental Conditions:

– Physical Geography

– Underground Resources

– Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability, Food Safety

Important Personalities and Biographies:

– Biographical History

Analysing critical issues such as climate change, environmental problems, sustainability and food security from a historical perspective is of vital importance for the formulation of effective policies for the future. With this sensitivity, our symposium aims to discuss critical issues such as climate change, environmental problems, sustainability and food security from a historical perspective. The experiences of the past on these issues will be a valuable guide in shaping our decisions for the future.

We invite scientists and researchers who wish to participate in the symposium to take part in our event with their academic studies based on new information, documents and evaluations within the framework of the main topics mentioned above.

It is essential to participate in the symposium with a paper. Those who want to participate in the symposium should send their abstracts of at least 300 words to until the end of working hours on 15 February 2024.

The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Organising Committee in terms of format and suitability to the topics of the symposium and will be sent to the referees forming the Scientific Committee. After the blind review process, the papers that are deemed suitable for presentation at the symposium will be announced and the authors will be requested to send their full texts until 15 June 2024, by the end of working hours.

The language of the symposium is Turkish and English, and submissions should include Turkish and English abstracts and keywords. In the abstract, the aim, method and result of the paper and 5 keywords should be written.

We expect you to attend the symposium and present our regards.